Esrar’lı Coşkun Sosyolojik Tahliller, 2014.
Kanada’da yayımlanan Canadatürk gazetesinde 1 Ağustos 2008 ile 1 Mayıs 2011 tarihleri arasında yayınlanan Esra Coşkun mahlasımla aylık yayınlanan köşe yazılarım, aslında sosyolojik ve psikolojik toplumsal kültürel sıradışı ruhsal analizlerdi. Bu kitapda, Kanada ve Türkiye arasında köprü kuran aykırı görüşler ve tesbitler bulacaksınız. Aydın Doğan mahkemeye verdi ve manevi tazminat istedi. Mahkemeyi de kazzandı ama artık Aydın Doğan, medyası ve zengin avukatları yok ki bu kitabı daha fzla yasaklayabilsinler. Sansür kötüdür. Gerçekler ezer geçer ve mutlaka ortaya çıkma gibi bir huyu suyu vardır.
İlk defa 2004 yılında Q-Matris yayınevi tarafından Matrix’in 11 Eylül Kurgusu, daha sonra ise Karakutu yayınlarınca Net Kırılma adıyla 2005’de basılan bu kitap, yenilendi. Gazeteci ve yazarlar Fehmi Koru’nın ifadesiyle belgeseli çekilecek derin bir araştırmadır. Nuh Gönültaş’ın tabiriyle, 21.yüzyılın en büyük yalanı ile kıyamete doğru gittiğimizi anlatıyor. 3 Mayıs 2011’de Matrix’in kurguladığı dünyaya yeni balonlar sunuldu. Yeni sorular ortaya çıktı. Bin Ladin, öldürülmeden uzun bir süre önce Amerikan güçlerinin elinde ve kontrolünde miydi? Ladin, 6 Şubat 2009’da Pakistan’da hastalıklarından dolayı mı öldü? Dondurulan Ladin’in cenazesi, İran gizli servisi tarafından Kuzey Irak’ta Peşmergelere ve kod adı Turan olan Türk subayına neden teslim edildi? El Kaida’nın yeni lideri gösterilen Zevahiri ve lider kadrosu, hasta olan bin Ladin’i öldürüldüğü Abbottabad’a 2004’de yerleşmeye neden ikna etti? Sahte Ladin kasetlerini halen kim piyasaya sürüyor? Netkırılma kitap Yaşananlar ne bir rüyaydı ne de bir Hollywood filmi. 21. yüzyılın en büyük yalanı ile kıyamete doğru gidiyoruz.
Bu kitabı okuduktan sonra Matrixin kurgusu 11 Eylüle farklı bir gözle bakmaya başlayacaksınız. Ya sunduğumuz delillerle tatmin olacak, Matrixin fanusdan çıkacak ve beyinlerinize, kalplerinize vurulmuş zincirlerinizi kıracaksınız veyahut da hepsine komplo teorisi deyip Matrixin size sunduğu aldatıcı hayal dünyasında, yaşamınıza, gerçekleri yok sayarak devam edeceksiniz. Hangi dünyanın gerçek olduğuna kara vermekte zorlanacaksınız. Gerçeği savunan Matrixin ajan Smithleri mi yalancı yoksa karşı cennahta Matrixin dünyayı yok etmesine engel olmak isteyen Neolar mı beklenen kurtarıcı? Pes etmeyen 100 bin İnternet Komiseri tüm dünyada açtıkları web sayfalarıyla Matrixin balonlarını patlatmaya çabalıyor. Bir iğne de siz batırın. Bu kitabı okuduktan sonra 11 Eylül saldırılarına, Afganistan ve Irak´ın ABD tarafından işgaline ve petrol savaşlarına farklı bir gözle bakmaya başlayacaksınız. Ya, sunduğumuz delillerle tatmin olacak, veya ´bunların hepsi komplo teorisi´ deyip size sunulan aldatıcı hayal dünyasına sığınarak yaşamınıza devam edeceksiniz. Veya aşağıdaki soruların cevabını arayacaksınız… İngilizler tarafından İslam´ı bölmek adına ortaya çıkartılan Usame Bin Ladin´in de bağlı bulunduğu Vehhabizm tarikatına karşı, ABD Başkanı Bush´un mensubu olduğu Hıristiyan Evanjelizm tarikatının, yıllar sonra Afganistan ve Irak´ta karşı karşıya getirilerek çatışma haline sokulması bir hesabın sonucu mu?
Teşkîlât-ı Ergenekon
Faruk Arslan’ın 2006 ile 2011 arasında Canadatürk ve başka medya organlarında yazdığı köşe yazılarını toplu olarak bu kitapdan okuyabilirsiniz… Haziran 2007’den beri Ergenekon Terör Örgütü adıyla yargılanan kurumun ilk ve gerçek adı Teşkîlât-ı Ergenekon’dur; Teşkîlât-ı Mahsûsa’nın, elbette Sebataycı ile Mason Bektaşi takımının devamıdır. Ergenekon’u ortaya çıkartma serüvenim 2000 yılı sonlarında başlamıştı ama medya olaya ilgisizdi. 2000 ile 2006 arasında de yayımlanan makalelerime sürekli tehditler alıyordum, küfürler ediliyordu. Kanada’da olduğum için ulaşamıyorlardı… Ergenekonculardan gelen onca baskılara rağmen durmadım, duramazdım. Canadatürk’te beş yıldır aralıksız Ergenekon’u yazıyorum, derin devlet ahtabotunun kuyruğunu bir kere yakalamıştım, bir daha bırakamazdım… Onlarca makalem Ergenekon soruşturmasından yıllar önce kaleme alınmıştı. Eski Ergenekon’dan yeni Ergenekon’a geçen süreci anlatıyordum. Kamuoyu Ergenekon ile ilgili hiç bir şey bilmiyordu. Tuncay Güney, onu ortaya çıkarıp, meşhur edeceğim 1 Ekim 2006’ı bekliyordu. Ergenekon’un ne olduğunu ancak bu kitabı okuyarak anlayabilirsiniz…
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), ISIL, DA'ISH (in Arabic) or IS, represents a Jihadi Salafi a subculture of fundamentalism and a violent brand of Sunni Salafi-Baathist political Islamism. Since the Arab Spring, ISIS has recruited militants from at least eighty nationalities and introduced heretical sectarian praxis of enforced proselytization, ethnic-cleansing and bigotry. ISIS attracts remarkable numbers of young Muslims because of the emptiness, unemployment, alienation, marginalization, humiliation, fear, hatred and hopelessness experienced in their lives. ISIS claims leadership of global Jihad and the caliphate. ISIS has created by Al Qaeda in Iraq (AIQ) who has been organizing Iraqi Sunnis against Shias since 2003, starting mass sectarian violence after the US-led occupation of Iraq, and launching brutal and bloody Jihadi tactics, vulgar propaganda and apocalyptic strategies. The objective of this research is to identify the young Muslim members of ISIS, where they come from, and what type of economic interests and values have played a role in them joining this controversial Jihadi group. ISIS follows the " Neo-Takfirist " Salafi doctrine, while dictates Sharia war law for legalizing rape and womanizing.
Spiritual Psychology is the study and practice of the art and science of the human evolution of consciousness. The heart occupies an important place in Sufism and is considered to contain the divine spark that leads to spiritual realization. Fethullah Gülen’s action-oriented Sufi methods described in his book series provides the basis for aheart-based therapeutic intervention through self-journeying, which is the objective of this thesis.These self-purification and mindfulness-related transpersonal methods generate a form oftreatment that is culturally sensitive. Through my reflections in this research, I transformed my personal experiences into a transpersonal narrative by writing 80 poems in 80 days, and thisoutput, along with Gülen’s teaching methods, techniques and spiritual practices formed thesource of my intellectually generated data, and the basis for the new therapy model. It took twoforty-day periods in two different cultures— Canada and Turkey — to reach the necessary divineknowledge for discovering the innate power of the spirit. The journey involved seeking freedomfrom the ego, or the lower self, in order to reach self-awareness and a conception of how to usethe self. I also categorized seven different levels of development of the soul, representing thelevels or stages of the self, ranging from absolutely self-centered and egotistical to pure spiritualhuman perfection. My examination of the two forty day periods revealed the seven categories ofthankfulness, purity of intention, reflection, patience, truthfulness, trustworthiness and presentation. From these I developed a model for ten weeks of therapy for a specific population.This thesis presents my journey in Fethullah Gülen’s Sufi path and anemerging model for aheart-based Sufi mindfulness spiritual practice. In this research, I proposea faith/spirituality- based model of heart-centred psychotherapy rooted in the spiritual philosophy, psychology anddiscipline of Fethullah Gülen’s practice.
Published at the Consensus Journal, Lutheran Seminary Network, 2015.
The Hizmet Movement began with promoting solutions to three major problems withinTurkey in the 1960s, and it was extended to solve similar problems in other parts of world:“ignorance”(lack of educatios),“poverty,” and “disunity,”through its model of the promotion of universal education, dialogue and human-centered principles to pursue social justice within latemodernity through a healthy dialogue. I will discuss in this paper the Hizmet Movement of Canada‘s several weaknesses and limitations that affect the long-term achievements of its goalsin Canada, such as the lack of government funds for private education, inability to create a strongsocial service organization to fight poverty, and the hardships that come with assisting Canadianmulticultural society that has become a huge ghetto that is hard to unify, and to ultimatelyestablish a collective identity within its socially constructed structure. The Hizmet Movementhas influenced diverse people in Turkey and abroad, including Canada, by mobilizing inactiveenergies within a very short time over a large geographical area (over 180 countries includingmany provinces in Canada) to achieve joint projects of service that millions of people are takingpart in from different nations, and it provides peaceful solutions to oppose the clash of civilizations.
2010, SUSA Newsletter, York University, Issue 1Maybe you’ve heard in the news that the majority of French citizens and the French government supported a new law initiative in the French parliament which the full veil banned in the public realm not just institutions, also on streets, buses, etc. This is expanded hatred against Muslim in European – especially in Germany, Holland and Swiss countries where they are questioning of multiculturalism again whether it is fraud or true. How would we situate ourselves towards this French secularism issue?
What is Conflict Mineral? ‘Conflict Minerals’ are minerals mined under conditions of armedconflict and human rights abuses, most notably occurring in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC). If you own a mobile cell phone, mp3 player, or laptop computer, then it is likely that youhave a little piece of the Congo in your pocket right now. The Congo possess 80% of the worlds‘columbite- tantalite (coltan)’, a mineral that is able to hold a high electronic charge and is now avital component to many small electronic devices. With its abundance of natural mineralresources, the DRC could be one of the most prosperous countries in Africa. Mines are nowcontrolled by both government and rebel troops who are at war with each other, and occupy andcontrol the communities, forcing men, women, and children to serve as miners under hard labourslave-like conditions with unsafe inadequate tools. The minerals are then smuggled across theborder and sold by rebel groups for guns and weapons to fund their war, leaving no profit to theworkers or the country, as today the Congo remains one of the poorest nations in the world. Theconflict in the DRC has claimed more than 5 million lives, making it the planets deadliestconflict since World War II – yet this forgotten war rarely makes headlines in the worldmedia. Unfortunately this new mineral is now responsible for much of the turmoil, death, anddevastation in the Congo, fuelling a bloody conflict where rape, forced labour, and brutalviolence is used to paralyze communities at the expense our appetite for high-speed, smallelectronics.
The history of Canadian Muslims is an unnoticed part of our history. The Islamic heritage does not belong only to Canadian Muslims; it belongs to all Canadians. For more than 1,400 years, the contributors to Islamic civilization were of different ethnic backgrounds, including African, Asian, European and North American. They were numerous men and women who were often adherents of different faiths; most would never even have known that they were helping to make history. Many of their names and accomplishments have faded with the passage of time, but their collective story has not been forgotten. Today, it would seem that the civilizations of East and West, or the Muslim and non-Muslim world, have become reversed. But perhaps it is more a case of having forgotten those former glories in the pursuit of present-day materialism and political agendas. Today, Turkish Muslims are promoting peace, harmony, inter-faith dialog, intercultural understanding, and social justice to our multicultural society at large.
I was inspired by Hollywood movie in giving a name to this book. Matrix is the name of a fake world which is believed to be fictitious. September 11 was a starting point which differentiates between those who resist and those who don’t and between those who believe and those who don’t. After you read this book you will start to see the September 11 event, the fiction of Matrix from a different point of view. You will either be satisfied with the proofs we introduced, go out of the lantern of Matrix and break the chains which were put in your hearts and brains or you will go on living in the fiction of Matrix calling all the things conspiracy theory and ignoring the realities. 100 thousands ”Internet Investigators” who don’t yield are trying to reveal the lies of Matrix, the brave hearts who try to reveal the realities of September 11. Today, Islam is misunderstood at best. Muslims should say, “In Islam, killing a human is equal to qufr [not believing Allah].
It is a best-seller book in Turkey, sold near half a million copies. This is only English version. Description The well-known writer Tolstoy’s treatise about Muhammad (PBUH) has lots of characteristics. His passion in Truth and disregard of secular values approached him to religious truth. We do not think Leo Tolstoy will amaze anybody, especially the Canadian and American readers who are cultured and knowledgeable in religion and are forerunners in the contemporary world with his treatise, which is the result of his admiration toward Muhammad (PBUH) and religion Islam. “Muhammad has always been standing higher than the Christianity. He does not consider god as a human being and never makes himself equal to God. Muslims worship nothing except God and Muhammad is his Messenger. There is no any mystery and secret in it.” Leo Nikolayevich TOLSTOY $2.99 Available on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Category: Religion & Spirituality Published:Jun 17, 2011 Publisher: Seller: Lulu Enterprises, Inc. Print Length: 101 Pages Language: English CLICK ON AND
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Arslan Trading Inc has prepared a business plan for red lentils and peas splitting plant in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada in 2000s. This project opens for investors. The company is owned by Faruk Arslan who a renowned supplier of pulses, special crops customers around the world. As an experienced processor, marketer and exporter, Arslan Trading Inc. supplies only the best products to their international customers. Also, as a bonded Global Canadian Exporter with the Export Development of Canada (EDC), and an established member of the Regina Chamber of Commerce in Saskatchewan. Arslan Trading Inc. also has MERBA MAKINA sole distributor rights on red lentil and pea split machineries within the Americas including the USA, Canada, Mexico and the Southern American countries. Arslan Trading’s distribution is certain in proprietary agricultural product sifting, cleaning and splitting machines that cover products and related technologies.
No more talking No more talking to say Useless to say wording What is the hell going Ever memory is coming No talk but kissing me Loving kindness to me Burning heart breaking Losing side of my soul Completing me oneness Keep on touch and flying No talk but kissing me Loving kindness to me Thoughts haunting me Haunting hunting me Catching togetherness How you feeling nothing No talk but kissing me Loving kindness to me Timeless manner kindness Loving kind hot warmness Do not run from me me me Come coming back to me No talk but kissing me Loving kindness to me I am you and you are in me Nothingness comes to me Going up and down inside Upward onward high around No talk but kissing me Loving kindness to me Happy to me smiling lips Never stop me loving heart No fear but love never ending Forever forever loving mind No talk but kissing me Loving kindness to me Ru, Waterloo 18 October 2021.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment that helps you address problematic emotions, thoughts, and behaviors through examining patterns, promoting change, and devising solutions.Dr. Aaron Beck first developed CBT in the 1960s as he was working to test psychoanalytic concepts of depression. Rather than yielding the results he was hoping for, he used this process of therapy to help conceptualize depression and began using it on his patients.How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy WorksCognitive Behavioral Therapy can appear to be a complex form of treatment. However, once engaged, you can begin reaping the many successes that come as a result of your therapeutic involvement.CBT generally includes participation in numerous steps that help change problematic thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. First, you will work with your therapist to identify your prominent areas of concern. This can include anything from feeling overly angry to experiencing panic attacks.For some, there might be more than one issue that plagues them. However, working to identify issues with a therapist can help you decide which issues you want to address first.Once the main areas of concern are identified, your therapist will work with you to help you become aware of your thoughts and emotions surrounding these issues. This process will be prompted by your therapist, who will encourage you to communicate as much as you can about your thoughts and feelings. This can include determining your personal beliefs, your values, and your perception of the world and others.Examining self-talk — which is what a person thinks about themselves, their feelings, and their behavior — is also common during this step. It is suggested that you keep a journal at this time so you can document your thoughts.In CBT, a therapist helps you recognize any negative patterns of thinking or behavior that you communicate or record. A therapist will also work to get you in tune with your physical and emotional responses in preparation for change. Your therapist helps you recognize any negative patterns of thinking and behavior and asks you to challenge your self-talk to impact your behavior.What Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treat?Since Beck’s discovery, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has become one of the most widely practiced forms of therapy in the world. Not only has it been used to help the many different forms of depression, but it also works to help treat other mental illnesses, including the following:Personality disorders, such as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)Anxiety disorders, including Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety DisorderBipolar DisorderPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and traumaSchizophreniaDissociative DisordersEating disorders, including Body Dysmorphic Disorder, anorexia, bulimia, and Binge Eating DisorderGambling and sex addictionSubstance abuse problemsOppositional Defiant DisorderCBT is used to treat adults, as well as children, teens, and young adults who might be experiencing any of these issues and/or closely connected to someone who is.Evidence Behind Cognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive Behavioral Therapy has been practiced for more than 50 years, and it is considered an evidence-based therapy, which means that it is endorsed by many different studies that prove its overall effectiveness. Since CBT is used for many different forms of mental illness, these studies vary in terms of participants and mental health or behavioral issues.A systematic review on the use of CBT to treat depression showed that the participants of these studies saw the largest reduction in their symptoms in comparison to other forms of therapy.A randomized controlled trial for those who struggled with psychosis proved that, with a minimum of nine months of intensive CBT therapy, participants’ symptoms improved greatly and continued to improve over the following nine months post-treatment.Like many forms of therapy, the effectiveness of the process depends on the participants. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is important than an individual strives to develop a strong partnership with their therapist, practice good communication, stick to the treatment plan, and do what is asked of them when they are not in session to help promote positive results from their Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Existential Psychotherapy is a nonfiction book by the American existential psychiatrist and author Irvin D. Yalom.In this book, the author offers a brief and pragmatic introduction, addressed to clinical practitioners, to European existential philosophy, as well as to existential approaches to psychotherapy. He presents his four ultimate concerns of life—death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness—and discusses developmental changes, psychopathology and psychotherapeutic strategies with regard to these four concerns.This work is considered, aside his groundbreaking textbook on group therapy The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy(1970), to be among one of Yalom’s most influential books by Irvin D. Yalom
The definitive account of existential psychotherapy.
Existential therapy is practiced throughout the world. But until now, it has lacked a coherent structure. In Existential Psychotherapy, Irvin Yalom finds the essence of existential psychotherapy, synthesizing its historical background, core tenets, and usefulness to the practice.
Organized around what Yalom identifies as the four “ultimate concerns of life”-death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness-the book takes up the meaning of each existential concern and the type of conflict that springs from our confrontation with each. He shows how these concerns are manifested in personality and psychopathology, and how treatment can be helped by our knowledge of them.
Drawing from clinical experience, empirical research, philosophy, and great literature, Yalom provides an intellectual home base for those psychotherapists who have sensed the incompatibility of orthodox theories with their own clinical experience, and opens new doors for empirical research. The fundamental concerns of therapy and the central issues of human existence are woven together here as never before, with intellectual and clinical results that will surprise and enlighten all readers.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) was first developed by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., in the 1970s as a means of treating Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in women. However, as DBT proved its effectiveness, it was incorporated into treatment for individuals struggling with numerous psychological issues, including depression, anxiety, addiction, and eating disorders.Today, Dialectical Behavior Therapy is considered to be one of the most clinically proven methods of therapy, as it is backed by a great deal of evidence-based research. The most noticeable success of DBT is that this form of therapy helps you develop strong coping skills devised to help bring about continual recovery from the psychological troubles that are affecting you.How Dialectical Behavior Therapy WorksDialectical Behavior Therapy is a process of different stages, all of which are developed to help encourage a willingness to get better and obtain healthy coping skills.
The DBT process is broken down into four different stages:
Stage one: Stage one of DBT serves as the foundation on which you will build your success. During this first stage, you will begin learning how to control your behaviors, including those behaviors that prevent you from getting the help you need and/or cause you to harm yourself physically or emotionally. You will also work with a therapist to identify additional disorders that might be occurring simultaneously with your primary disorder.
Stage two: Rather than bottling up emotional responses, stage two of DBT helps you learn the power of expression. By talking about your emotions, you can learn how to cope with your underlying issues rather than jeopardize your physical and/or psychological health. Here, you will work with your therapist to acknowledge and work through any traumatic experiences and/or emotional struggles that have prevented you from overcoming obstacles in the past.
Stage three: By combining the skills developed in the first two stages of DBT, you will use stage three to learn how to solve your problems successfully, all while striving to maintain proper functioning in your life.
Stage four: To wrap up the process of DBT, therapists work with you in stage four to help you reconnect to other individuals in your lives. By working on communication skills and sorting through potential attachment/detachment issues, you can begin learning how to foster positive relationships during this final stage of therapy.Throughout these stages, you will focus on gaining skills in the areas of emotional regulation, distress tolerance, mindfulness, and interpersonal effectiveness.Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy is practiced in DBT skills groups, individual DBT therapy sessions, and phone coaching with a DBT therapist. You will use diary cards and chain analysis to track your behaviors and find ways to use the DBT skills you’ve learned.As part of comprehensive DBT, your treatment team has regular consultation team meetings to help them ensure they are providing you the best treatment possible.
What Dialectical Behavior Therapy Treats
For individuals struggling with serious psychological issues, it can be increasingly difficult to manage them without engaging in some form of therapy. In addition to treating Borderline Personality Disorder, Dialectical Behavior Therapy also helps treat the following disorders:Mood disorders, including depressionAnxiety disordersEating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimiaSubstance abuseOther personality disorders, such as Dependent Personality DisorderWith many of the above disorders come numerous behavioral problems, all of which DBT is designed to help treat. Through the many steps of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, individuals dealing with these disorders can address issues such as emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, self-harmful tendencies, self-esteem issues, risky behaviors, and suicidality.Evidence Behind Dialectical Behavior TherapyDialectical Behavior Therapy is known as an evidence-based treatment, meaning that there has been a large amount of research done on its effectiveness in treating numerous psychological disorders.The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) provided funding for two of the very first studies conducted that proved DBT to be an effective form of treatment for Borderline Personality disorder and co-occurring substance abuse problems. The results of these two reputably funded studies proved that DBT helps reduce hospitalization in individuals struggling with psychological issues and addiction, as well as helps them integrate into social settings with greater ease.Additional studies on Dialectical Behavior Therapy and its effectiveness on Borderline Personality Disorder highlighted the following results:DBT reduces emotional distress, such as depression, anger, suicidal thoughts, and self-esteem issuesDBT reduces the likelihood of an individual engaging in self-harmful practicesDBT helps keep individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder tuned into treatment, meaning that very few leave treatmentDBT helps reduce symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder, as well as numerous other psychological disordersIn addition to the many studies conducted on DBT and Borderline Personality Disorder, studies have also been conducted on how well DBT helps treat additional psychological issues. The results of these studies have concluded the following:DBT reduces binging and purging behaviors in individuals with eating disordersDBT decreases drug use in individuals struggling with opiate addictionDBT reduces symptoms of depression
DBT helps develop stronger coping skills
These studies, plus many more that have been conducted (and continue to be conducted), have proven that Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a highly effective form of treatment for people battling a variety of mental health disorders.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based treatment that can help you develop mindfulness skills that promote psychological flexibility. ACT can also help you to incorporate the use of values to guide behavioral change.Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is an extension of relational frame theory, which is a theory that specializes in how people learn and understand language. The goal of ACT is to help provide you with the opportunity to learn how to use mindfulness to experience the many emotions of life.Acceptance and Commitment Therapy was developed by Steven Hayes, Ph.D., and builds on the “third ware” tradition of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with the use of mindfulness and acceptance strategies to build psychological flexibility.
One of the core tenets of ACT is accepting one’s painful emotions, thoughts, memories, body sensations, and present circumstances in an effort to make suffering optional. Suffering is viewed as non-acceptance, resistance, or avoidance of painful realities in living.How Acceptance and Commitment Therapy WorksThere are six core processes that make up Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, all of which contribute to the overall function of the therapy itself.
These six processes are:Cognitive defusion. Cognitive defusion is the process of examining your problematic thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and urges. ACT helps to neutralize them through repetitious behaviors and humorous methods.
Acceptance. Many people who require Acceptance and Commitment Therapy often have difficulty allowing their thoughts to flow effortlessly, as they desire to maintain control over what they are thinking about at all times. By working with a therapist, you can begin allowing yourself to have a free flow of thoughts without fearing and/or battling them when they occur.
Contact with the present moment. Contact with the present moment — otherwise known as mindfulness — is often practiced in ACT, as it helps you develop a strong sense of awareness. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy cannot work without you being willing to keep contact with the present moment, even if it is full of painful thoughts, feelings, and urges.
Observing the self. Acting as the reflective part of the mindfulness process, observing the self encourages you to develop and nurture a strong sense of being and contact with the present moment.
Values. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a value-based treatment, asking you to use some of your core values. ACT also asks you to develop new values based on how you want to be remembered and how you see their life without overidentification with mental illness and problems.
Committed action. As with all forms of therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy generally comes to a close with the last step, which is to set positive goals that are realistic and attainable for you to achieve through your established values.From start to finish, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is designed to help you realize your flaws, examine your full potential, and put in place methods of care that will help you carry out successful action to benefit your overall wellbeing.What Acceptance and Commitment Therapy TreatsAcceptance and Commitment Therapy is helpful for a wide variety of people, especially those who are suffering from a psychological or behavioral disorder. Some of the most common disorders treated with ACT include the following:Personality disorders, including Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)Dual diagnosis of an addiction and mental health disorderObsessive Compulsive DisorderAnxiety disorders, including panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, and Social Anxiety DisorderPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and traumaMood disorders, such as Bipolar Disorder and major depression Schizophrenia and other thought disorders
Chronic painAcceptance and Commitment Therapy is highly effective when treating these particular disorders, as it helps clients accept their psychological situation and commit themselves to their own personal recovery.Evidence Behind Acceptance and Commitment TherapyIn the past, small studies of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy programs have had conflicting results because of the extremely small sample. As of 2011, ACT has gained more attention and has been tested in a more detailed manner.The American Psychological Association labeled ACT an empirically validated treatment for “modest research support” in depression and “strong research support” in chronic pain. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has also reviewed numerous studies pertaining to ACT’s effectiveness and, as a result, considers Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to be an evidence-based therapy.Though Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is still considered to be a newer form of evidence-based therapy, it is quickly gaining attention for its ability to help change destructive behaviors in individuals struggling with behavioral disorders.Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PET)Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PET) is a therapy designed to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and trauma. PET was developed and initially studied by Dr. Edna Foa in 1991, and is one of the leading treatments for PTSD.When used in conjunction with Dialectical Behavior Therapy, PET has been found effective in treating trauma in people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.
Prolonged Exposure Therapy is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy for trauma, and is a time-limited approach to treatment. Although individual needs will vary, PET is designed to be completed in approximately 10 to 13 90-minute sessions.How Prolonged Exposure Therapy WorksProlonged Exposure Therapy is based on the theory that PTSD is maintained by two factors:Avoidance of thoughts, memories, and situations associated with trauma, andProblematic beliefs about oneself and the world.For example, a belief that the world is dangerous leads a person to avoid various events and situations. The more a person avoids, the scarier these situations become, which further confirms the belief and perpetuates avoidance.Prolonged Exposure Therapy aims to eliminate avoidance and challenge problematic beliefs. This is done using two types of exposure procedures: imaginal exposure and in vivo exposure. Imaginal exposure occurs during therapy sessions and involves gradual, repeated retelling of traumatic memories. In vivo exposure includes developing a hierarchy of real-life situations a person avoids, and gradually engaging in those tasks.The PET therapist serves as a guide throughout this process, offering support, structure, and instilling hope. Both types of exposure procedures are a mechanism to process emotions, test problematic beliefs, and get a healthier perspective.Who Is Prolonged Exposure Therapy Appropriate For?Prolonged Exposure Therapy is appropriate for individuals who have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
PET is appropriate to treat all forms of trauma, including childhood physical or sexual abuse, bullying, military trauma, sexual assault, terrorist attacks, violent crimes, and natural disasters.Evidence Behind Prolonged Exposure TherapyThe American Psychological Association considers Prolonged Exposure Therapy an empirically validated treatment for PTSD. Prolonged Exposure Therapy has been found effective for reducing PTSD across approximately 13 randomized controlled-trial studies. Findings show that PET reduces symptoms of PTSD, and these gains are maintained when followed up after treatment ends.Given the high comorbidity of PTSD and personality disorders, newer research has examined whether Prolonged Exposure Therapy works to treat trauma in individuals who also have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). This research has included PET as part of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and found that PET effectively reduces symptoms of PTSD for suicidal individuals with BPD.
Prolonged Exposure Therapy and DBTThe integration of Prolonged Exposure Therapy and DBT is on the cutting edge of trauma and BPD treatment, and initial research on this model has been promising. The DBT PET model was developed by Drs. Marsha Linehan and Edna Foa, with attention paid to combining these treatments in a way that adheres to the fidelity of both models.Within the DBT PET model, Prolonged Exposure Therapy is implemented after clients in DBT have had ample time to stabilize and work on life-threatening behaviors. Additionally, DBT skills are used to cope ahead for challenges associated with trauma-focused exposure therapy.Clients engage in weekly PET sessions, with concurrent once-weekly DBT sessions. Diary cards continue to be reviewed in each session, as are DBT commitment, validation, and motivation strategies. Upon completion of Prolonged Exposure Therapy, DBT sessions continue to assist clients in wrapping up trauma-focused work and shifting focus to building a life worth living, including discharge planning.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive TherapyMindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is designed to help people who suffer repeated bouts of depression and chronic unhappiness. It combines the ideas of cognitive therapy with meditative practices and attitudes based on the cultivation of mindfulness. The heart of this work lies in becoming acquainted with the modes of mind that often characterize mood disorders while simultaneously learning to develop a new relationship to them. MBCT was developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and John Teasdale, based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program.What Is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy?Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a modified form of cognitive therapy that incorporates mindfulness practices such as meditation and breathing exercises. Using these tools, MBCT therapists teach clients how to break away from negative thought patterns that can cause a downward spiral into a depressed state so they will be able to fight off depression before it takes hold.
When It’s Used
MBCT was developed for people with recurring episodes of depression or unhappiness, to prevent relapse. It has been proven effective in patients with major depressive disorder who have experienced at least three episodes of depression. Mindfulness-based relapse prevention may also be helpful for treating generalized anxiety disorders and addictions. MBCT has also been shown to improve symptoms of depression in some people with physical health conditions, such as vascular disease and traumatic brain injury.
What to Expect
MBCT is group therapy, with once-a-week, two-hour sessions, led by your therapist, as part of an eight-week program. You will learn meditation techniques as well as basic principles of cognition, such as the relationship between the way you think and how you feel. You will also have the opportunity to learn more about your depressive condition. On the days when there is no session, there is homework, which includes practicing breathing exercises and mindful meditation.
How It Works
Sometimes normal sadness is a powerful trigger for someone who has recovered from a depressive state to relapse into another bout of depression. Rather than try to avoid or eliminate sadness or other negative emotions, one learns to change their relationship with these emotions by practicing meditation and other mindfulness exercises. These activities rebalance neural networks, allowing the client to move away from automatic negative responses toward an understanding that there are other ways to respond to situations. By developing a routine meditation practice, clients can use the technique whenever they start to feel overwhelmed by negative emotions. When sadness occurs and starts to bring up the usual negative associations that trigger relapse of depression, the client is equipped with tools that will help them replace negative thought patterns with positive.MindfulnessOur life can quickly pass us by when we’re not focused on what matters. We have a bad habit of emphasizing the negative and overlooking the positive.
Being mindful can help. Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When we are mindful, we carefully observe our thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad. Mindfulness can also be a healthy way to identify and manage hidden emotions that may be causing problems in our personal and professional relationships. It means living in the moment and awakening to our current experience, rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. Mindfulness is frequently used in meditation and certain kinds of therapy. It has many positive benefits, including lowering stress levels, reducing harmful ruminating, improving our overall health, and protecting against depression and anxiety. There is even research suggesting that mindfulness can help people cope better with rejection and social isolation.
SUFI Mindfulness
This modality is created by Faruk Arslan as MSW, RSW in 2014 at Wilfrid Laurier University, the Faculty of Social Work. His thesis has been received strong attention both from academia and clinical services worldwide. You can free download his thesis at below
or click on this link and free download from academia (same)
Sufi Newsletters
English First edition
Türkçe 10 sayı
Kanada, bireysel tercihler, seçimler ve özgürlükler krallığıdır. Batı medeniyeti‟nde ideal tipler,laik kurallar ve krallaşmış kanunlar vardır. Beyaz ırkın birde üstünlük teorisi bulunuyor, zatengücünü de sınırsız birey özgürlüğünden alıyor. Daha önceki medeniyetlerde yoktu diyorlar.Peki, din, inanç ve ifade özgürlüğü, özel yaşamın kutsallığı ilkesinde birey özgürlüğünü tehditettiğinde ne olacaktır? Birbiri ile rekabet eden, ihtilafa düşen veya çelişen birey özgürlükleri alanında Ontario İnsan Hakları Komisyonu ve Kanada Yüksek Mahkemesi nasıl kararlar veriyorlar? Akıntıya kürek çekmiyorsanız, demokratik medeni dünyanın yolu insan haklarıdır.
Bedduâ-ı Rüyetî Şîr, ruha, kalbe gelen, dile dökülmeden kalpten, gözleri ruh açmadan yapılan bir duadır. Şahısları aslında hedef almıyor, küfür, yalan, dolan, iftira, zulüm ve kötülük hedeftedir. Herşeyi yapan hakikatta Allah’tır, zalim ellerin kırılması Hak’tır, Senden bunu dileniyoruz Rabbim. Devrin ilacı, fedakâr hakikî kardeş gibi birbirinin gam ve hüzün ve sıkıntılarına merhem sürmek ve tam şefkatle kederli kalbini okşamaktır. Süfyan’ın yaşanan şu dehşetli nifakı devrinde, birbirimize teselli ve ferah vermek ve yardımla kuvve-i maneviyesini takviye etmek gerekir.
I want to publish my master of social work writings in between 2012 and 2014 at Wilfrid lauriert University, The Faculty of Social Work to help individuals about social work field in Canada and elsewhere.
All my Master of Art writings collected in this book to help studends. It is sort of model and sample how to study and write in Religion and Culture. There are many possible ways to locate a post-colonial legacy, one them is train. In postcolonial times, former Soviet Union countries have slow trains and it portrays as a closed-minded society and exploitation. Modern Germany has fast train option that connects people faster than plane. Both train’s memory reminds for me different type of colonizers and their mentality either control and serves population. A train symbolizes either transnational connection or only local interaction. I haven’t ridden train in Canada, so first time I took a train ticket to go Montreal for the conference on March 4. I’ve attended the 21. Annual Graduate Conference: Meaning in Notion and presented my Sufi Therapy model. The Canadian train tells me the history of discrimination and racism.
Table of Contents Preface: How to Write the Best Essay……………………………………………………7 Chapter 1: New Paradigms in the Turkish Foreign Policy: The Turkish Economic Miracle: ―Zero Enemy Politics,‖ ―Mutually Beneficial Economic Developments‖ and ―Human-centered Universal Moralities‖..……………17 Chapter 2: The Holocaust: The Site of Memory, Site of Contestation and Collective Consciousness ………………………………………………………………..24 Chapter 3: The Turkish Labour Movement in Germany: Homeland and Host-land Nationalisms, Identity Crisis and Ghetto Conflicts……..…….34 Chapter 4: The Hizmet Movement of Canada ………………………………….44 Chapter 5: The Egyptian Movement: Was the crisis and revolution in Egypt one of its own making or from MNCs‘ intervention? ……………………………….55 Chapter 6: Stopping Abuse by Canadian Companies in the DRC ……….63 Chapter 7: Analyzing a STS Case Study- Ethanol versus Gasoline: The Contestation and Closure of a Socio-technical System in the USA …….78 Chapter 8: Analyze a STS Study: A comparison of haloperidol plasma levels among Japanese, Korean and Swedish psychiatric patients ……………..86 Chapter 9: My Presentations ………………………………………………………….90 First Presentation: Seeking My Happiness! ……………………………………..90 Second Presentation: How to Make Turkish Coffee…………………………….92 Third Presentation: The Real Legend of Dracula ………………………………..94 Fourth Presentation: Introduction to Naomi Klein ……………………………..96 Fifth Presentation: Food Fascism and Poverty ……………………………………99 Sixth Presentation: Public Space and War Drama!…………………………….103 Seventh Presentation: The Site Memory and the Holocaust ….…………….106 Eight Presentations: The Politics of Moral Order: A Brief Anatomy of Race Making …112 Ninth Presentation: From Hong Kong to Canada: Immigration and the Changing the Family Lives of Middle-class Women from Hong Kong ……………………………………………………114 Chapter 10: Canola: Advantages and Disadvantages of Alternative Fuel ……………………………..116 Chapter 11: The Ottomans to Turkey: Debatable Artefacts‘ as Turkey‘s National Identity …….118 Chapter 12: New Visions to Solve for Mental Health Problems in the Future……………………….128 Chapter 13: A Long Battle: Marx versus Weber ………………………………………….133 Chapter 14: Globalization ……………………………………………………137 Chapter 15: The Disconnection‘ and Fragmentation………………………………….141 Chapter 16: The Media‘s Lie about the September 11 Disaster ……………….143 Chapter 17: Surviving from Repression,
"Tanıtım. “GATAkulli” numarasını ilk icat eden Ergenekon zanlılarından önce “Eşekler Sınıfı”dır. Bu hatıralarımı romanlaştırmam hayatımda yaptığım en büyük eşeklik! Bir askeri okulda gerçekten yaşamış olan bu sınıfın “Eşekbaşı” Ferruh, ‘eşekce’ sorular soruyor: Ordumuzda Suriye’daki mezhepçi Baas rejimi benzeri Alevi-Sol-Mason bir cunta mı vardı? 1986’da başlayan Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’ndeki irtica operasyonu bir CIA-Mossad ürünü müydü? Bugüne kadar askeriye ile ilişkisi kesilen on bine yakın dindar subay ve astsubaya kimler komplo kurdu?YAŞ kararları alınırken komutanların önüne konan her dosyada neden Turgay Cüce’nin ifadesi yer alıyordu? İşkence altında alınan ifadelerin altını dolduran istihbarat elemanlarını MOSSAD mı eğitti? Necdet Öztorun, Doğu Aktulga ve Çetin Doğan’ı görevlendiren CIA-Mossad ikilisi mi? Tahsin Şahinkaya 1 Numara mı? Orduya sızan yabancı güçler ve yerli işbirlikçilerinin emrındekı ve emir-komuta zinciri dışındaki bu odak, dindarları orduda istemiyor. Genelkurmay ve Kuvvet Komutanlıkları kararı ile askeri okulla ilişkisi kesilen dindar askeri öğrencilerin dramı, ilk defa roman öyküsü ile yazılıyor. Bu eser, 1987’den beri son 27 yılda tam dört defa yazıldı ve çöpe atıldı. Yanlış yazılan tarihi düzeltmenin zamanı geldi. Bu çalışma, çok sevdikleri askeri okullarından haksız yere atılan yedi binden fazla vatan evladının aziz hatırasına hasredilmiştir. Ayrıca annem Nehire Arslan gibi üzüntüsünden ağlayarak kahrolan, hayatına son veren nice mağdur annelere ve halen ızdırap çeken yakınlarına ithaf olunur. "
Türkistan ve ötesine hicretim 1990′da başladı. “Doğru söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlar” demiş atalarımız. Hakla batılı ayırt etmeyi vazifesi bilenler için her zaman bir 10. köy vardır. Hep bir Ebu Zer Gifari, bir Behlül-i Dânâ gibi yaşamak, ismimin manasıyla müsemma olmak istemişimdir. 1991 ve 1993’de Yağmur Gözlü bir Hak Dostu şahsıma özgü iki defa benzer duayı yapmıştı: İlkinde, Hakkın batıldan ayrılmasında mübarek ve mücehhez ‘dava arkadaşım’, ikincisinde; sadece ‘dava kardeşim’ Faruk Arslan beye diyordu… Bu güne kadar 9 köy dolaştım, yine de doğru bildiklerimi karşımda kim olursa olsun ve nerede bulunursam bulunayım söylemekten çekinmedim. Bu eserde gezdiğim ülkeleri anlatıyor ve gördüğüm kulisleri, doğru bilgileri sansürsüz aktarıyorum. 10. köy, 2006 ile 2011 arası Kanada’da yayımlanan Türklerin gazetesi Canadatürk idi. 1998 ile 2003 arasında Ali Alperen mahlasıyla yazdığım Türkistan köşesi, rahmetli Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu’nun kurduğu Büyük Birlik Partisi’nin yayın organlarındaydı.
Bu eserde, 1992 ile 2011 arasında aykırı insanlarla gurbet ellerde yaptığım 15 aykırı konuşmalara, röportajlara yer veriyorum. Rahmetli Azeri lider Haydar Aliyev ile yaptığım tarihi röportaj, Karabağ diplomasisi ve bol petrol konsorsiyumlu yıllarım, araştırmacılara kaynak teşkil ediyor… Rahmetli Elçibey ile son yaptığım vasiyet gibi röportaj. Rahmetli Azeri şair Bahtiyar Vahapzade ile geçen 7 yılın sırları, hatıraları. Namık Kemal Zeybek, değerli sanatçılar Ahmet Özhan, Tuluyhan Uğurlu ve Prof. Dr. Mümtaz’er Türköne ile sıra dışı konuşmalar. Yarım yüzyıla yakın ömrünü gurbetde geçirmiş başarılı akademisyenlerimiz; Prof. Dr. Fuad Şahin, Prof. Dr. Tözün Bahçeli, Prof. Dr. Feridun Hamdullahpur ve Prof. İbrahim Dinçer’dan müthiş tesbitler… Kanadalı yabancı akademisyen Prof. Dr. Dimitri Kitsikis, din adamı Dr. Damien MacPherson ve politikacı Prof. Dr. Tony Ruprecht’den tarihe not düşen önemli açıklamalar. Ve Amerikalı Dr. Jill Carrol’a göre Fethullah Gülen…
Kanada’ya göçmenliğini bekleyenler, işadamları ve öğrenciler ile ülkeye yeni gelenler için bu bir başucu kitabıdır. Kanada’ya göç etmek, hayatınızın en önemli ve radikal kararı. Kendinizle dürüst olmanız gerekiyor. "Ben niye gidiyorum" sorusunu samimi bir şekilde cevaplarsanız kararınız ortaya çıkacaktır. Eğer çok para kazanmak, zengin olmak, kısa yoldan köşeyi dönmek gibi amaçlarınız varsa Kanada size göre bir yer değil. Eğer amacınız Türkiye'deki her türlü saçmalıktan, trafikten, hava kirliliğinden uzak insanca yaşamaksa, o zaman gidin. Şekilcilik, gösteriş budalılığı, lüks ve israf yarışı, en yakın akrabalarınızın dahi samimiyetsizliği sizi sıkıyorsa, durmayın bir dakika! Çocuklarınıza iyi bir eğitim ve gelecek sağlamaksa, tam isabet doğru bir karar veriyorsunuz. Ama unutmayın ki her şeyin bir bedeli var, bunun için çok çalışmanız ve çok mücadele etmeniz gerekiyor. Bu kitapda, Kanada’ya göç tecrübesi yaşamış olanların deneyimlerini, gerçek Kanada’yı bulacaksınız. Kanada göçmeni olmak isteyenlere, öğrenci veya ziyaretçi vizesiyle ülkeyi tanımayı hayal edenlere Kanada’ya gitmenin yolları gösteriliyor. Göçmenliğin, öğrenciliği ve çıkartılan engelleri aşmanın püf noktalarını burada. Kanada’da nasıl iş kurulacağını, dil kursuna, üniversiteye, master ve doktoraya nasıl başvurulacağını öğreneceksiniz. Göçmenlerin yaşadığı sıkıntılarıyla tanışacak ve en belalı mesele iş bulma yollarında yaşanmış tecrübelerden dersler alacaksınız. Dünyanın en özgür, en yeşil, en konforlu, çok kültürlü, çok dinli, bol hoşgörülü canlar, cananlar diyarını keşfedeceksiniz.
Ben bir öğretmenim. Kadim zamanlarda, yorgun yolcuların konakladığıkervansaraylar gibi olmalıyım. Sıcak, emin, cömert. Kışla yaz kucaklaşmalı ellerimde. Çorak toprakların bağrından nehirler akıtmalıyım, gür ve gümrah. Ve toprağımın çorak yanlarınıkanımla sulamalıyım, vahaya dönüştürmeliyim tüm coğrafyamı…
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